【英語劇】Their Dreams are Glimmering on The Bridge / 橋上の夢(英訳版)
“Their Dreams are Glimmering on The Bridge” / 『橋上の夢』(英訳版)

Katie (Female) - The girl ‘from the upper side’. The only child of a noble family. Wishes to be a scientist in the future.
Kathy (Female) - The girl ‘from the lower side’. The youngest child of a poor family. Wishes to be a baker in the future.

○On the bridge

  A bridge over a brook that connects the noble mansion and the village the nobles rule.
  There is a bridge across the stage.
  The situation is set where a noble mansion is on the left off-stage,
  and a village is on the right off-stage,
  although both of them don’t need to be visualized.
  Lights come up. KATIE enters from left-stage and sits on the edge of the bridge.

KATIE: …Humph.
KATHY (OFF-STAGE): Ooh, found ya!

  KATHY enters from right-stage.

KATHY: It’s really you, Katie! Long time no see!
KATIE: Oh, hello there Kathy. It sure has been a while.
KATHY: Oh my gosh, I missed you sooo much!
KATIE: You never run out of this thing called energy, do you?
KATHY: Thanks to you! Hey, can I sit here?
KATIE: Help yourself.
KATHY: Alright, coming in!

  KATHY sits next to KATIE.

KATIE: …Kathy, your apron looks nice on you.
KATHY: Oh yeah, right! Ta-dah!
KATIE: Is that a gift from your brother?
KATHY: Nope! A uniform!
KATIE: Really? I never knew you had started working. 
KATHY: Sorry, I didn’t really have the time to come here so often. 
KATIE: That’s nothing to worry about.
KATHY: You see, bunch of people come from outside the village, so I never have a moment to rest! Phew!
KATIE: That sounds very tiring.
KATHY: Oh, but it’s really a lot of fun too!
KATIE: By the way, Kathy, what exactly do you do as a job?
KATHY: Well, dealing with flowers, at a flower shop!
KATIE: A flower shop? That's interesting.
KATHY: Totally yes! Flowers are beautiful, they smell super-sweet, plus──
KATIE: Plus?
KATHY: The breads our shop owner bakes are sooo yummy! Yay!
KATIE: Oh Kathy, once again you are obsessed with breads.
KATHY: Again? Isn’t this like the first time I talk about breads?
KATIE: The last time we met each other, the only thing you seemed to be concerned about was the delicious bread you managed to bake at home.
KATHY: …Ooh, now I remember!
KATIE: And the time before that, you were so excited that your aunt gave you some nice breads or whatever…(Chuckles)
KATHY: Wh-what?
KATIE: It’s just that, every time you show up here it’s all about bread…(Chuckles)
KATHY: Heey, stop that, Katie!
KATIE: Yes, yes, I’m sorry…(Chuckles)
KATHY: Besides, it’s unfair! Don’t you have anything to say, Katie?
KATIE: …No, not at all.
KATHY: Oh, I know you lied there.
KATIE: Fine, so there is no mercy here.

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